About 10 million women suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding.1 Many women begin to experience heavy and/or irregular bleeding in their 30s and 40s, as they begin to get closer to menopause. Heavy periods are more than just a hassle - they take a physical, social, and emotional toll as well.

Studies show heavy menstrual bleeding can affect women in a number of ways:




Heavy periods are not something you have to live with! Today, there are a number of effective treatment options available.
Download a free brochure about the NovaSure® procedure.


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1.Cooper J, et al. A randomized, multicenter trial of safety and efficacy of the NovaSure system in the treatment of menorrhagia. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 2002; 9:418-428.
2.National Women’s Health Resource Center. Survey of women who experience heavy menstrual bleeding. Data on file; 2005.

The information above was obtained from the Hologic NovaSure website.